Abstract: This article discusses briefly the tragic episode after the Shahadat of Moula al Husain (as) which was Qiyamat for Ahl al Bait (as). This painful history is recorded in the authentic Maqtal of Shaikh Abbas al Qummi. ‘Aahhin Summa Aahhin’ on what the children of Rasulullah(S) faced. Pretender of the seat of the so-called caliph committed such heinous crimes with the grandson of Rasulullah(S), Moula Abi Abdillah al Imam al Husain ibn Ali(as), at Karbala in 61 (AH), the precedent of which is not found in the history of the previous nations. Yazid (L), his supporters and their like minded are that cancerous part of the Ummah who executed the family of Rasulullah(S) and continue to treat their followers with contempt and cruelty.
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