Author: Sayyid Muhammad Husayn Husayni Tihrani
Translator: Mohammad H. Faghfoory
Publisher: SUNY Press
This book is one of the treasures of Shi‘i literature. It is a selection of the teachings of Allamah Tabatabai, which have been compiled by his student Allamah Tihrani, a highly revered and notable mystic in his own right. The foreword by Seyyed Hossein Nasr beautifully captures the importance of this book: “Aside from its historical and theological background, the Lubb al-Lubab or Kernel of the Kernel stands by itself as a masterpiece in the field of spirituality and gnosis. While naturally couched in the language and terminology of the Quran and Hadith, it conveys a message of universal order meant for all human beings.”
I sent a message to Professor Mohammad Faghfoory, the translator, a little over a year ago, telling him how much I loved the book. I was very surprised to find that he actually responded! Interestingly, he told me the following:
“To this date, at least more than 100 people in a period of 10 years have informed me that Kernel of Kernel brought them to Islam…May Allah Ta’ala bless Allamah Tabataba’is soul. He was an outstanding scholar, and an exceptional human being.
I generally like translating works the least academic activity but I believe that there is a great deal of wisdom and spiritual lessons that the West, and the Muslim migrants especially the first generation can learn from texts like these. It is for your generation to continue to transmit more of such legacies, especially from the Shi’a past to the Western world, insha’llah.”
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